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[E] theblade180
[E] theblade180
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over 13 years ago
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over 13 years ago
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SIGN ME UP! Ign theblade180
over 13 years ago
I can't find minecraft.jar.
over 13 years ago
It's been stuck like that for half an hour, so I restarted my mac. I opened it again, it still freezes there. I even uninstalled and reinstalled it. Still the same problem. Can anybody help me out? I think what froze it was when I installed Single Player Commands. I got rid of it...but still the same problem. I'm not 100% sure on how to uninstall it from MineCraft...but I reinstalled mc all together...Still the same problem.
over 13 years ago
Thanks a ton! All I need now is some coal... Is there any way to sell cobblestone?
over 13 years ago
New question. How do i sell my ores?
over 13 years ago